Availability and Pricing Parallels Mac Management 8.5 is available today, with pricing starting at US$45 annually per Mac. Its features and details are available online at parallels.com/mac-management. Customers who purchase Parallels Mac Management in 2020 will enjoy the new additional iPad and iPhone management features for free until the end of 2020. Parallels Mac Management will have an increased price point in 2021, but current and new customers in 2020 maintain their current pricing moving forward.
Additionally, Parallels Desktop for Mac Business Edition (parallels.com/business), the simplest and most secure way to provide Windows applications to employees with Mac computers, can be added to Parallels Mac Management.
How To Use Parallels On Mac
Media Contacts John Uppendahl, Vice President of Communications, john@parallels.com, +1 425 282-1734Ryan Donough, Burson Cohn & Wolfe, ryan.donough@cohnwolfe.com, +1 415 403-8311
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